Rez Raven

  • Rez Raven

  • Rez Raven was born in Persia in 1962. It was there that he began his studies in art. Rez furthered his education at the University of Toronto, where he studied graphic design. His early work incorporates collage and oil on canvas. He has extensive knowledge and experience in printmaking, all of these influences can be seen in his current work.

    Artist statement:
    “My work is a world of experimentation and discovery. The pensive horse, the apprehensive, the risky sunlight. A soft breeze, a drop in the ocean. The rock, it mirrors mans’ first attempts at creation, unique beside the natural world. It reflects a myriad of approaches and techniques. Each works opens up a multidimensional interpretation, a flow not needing language. Sometimes a window appears carrying the message even further. The tactile quality of the work makes one feel to touch. There are intentional coincidences and possibilities. A definite balance and harmony. My hope is that the onlooker will use the work to help in enriching self awareness, discovery and harmony.”