Richard Wlodarczak

  • Richard Wlodarczak

  • Richard Wlodarczak, born to Polish parents in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1972, was raised in a Roman Catholic household. He earned his BFA from the University of Manitoba, where he was honoured with the Gold Medal for Highest Standing in Fine Arts, and his MFA from the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His journey through Europe deepened his exploration of art history and his Polish heritage.
    Now based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Richard's art reflects a blend of German Expressionist, Abstract-Expressionist, and Neo-Expressionist influences. His work has consistently explored themes of Christian/Pagan Dualism, rooted in his early experiences with Catechism and the Catholic Church. His early pieces engaged with biblical and Passion imagery, often juxtaposed with visual polemics and sacrilegious elements.
    In his current practice, Richard navigates the ongoing tension of his past, embracing modern
    expressionism. His paintings and characters have evolved into more personalized forms, uniting both representational and abstract elements, characterized by simplified lines, shapes, and marks. His work explores themes of order and chaos, blending historical and personal mythologies to reveal intertwined dualities. While deeply modern, his art retains the enigmatic qualities of the primitive. Richard’s works are housed in private and corporate collections across Canada, the U.S., and Europe.